Tungurahua in the afternoon light

Click for daily reports from the Instituto Geophysico monitoring station (Spanish only)

It is no secret that Baños is on the flank of an active volcano. Tungurahua has been in an eruptive state since 1999, when the town was evacuated for a few months. The activity level varies: sometimes it has seemed almost dormant again, but sometimes, as in August 2006, and as recently as February 2008, the activity level has increased. Pyroclastic flows from the August 2006 eruption modified the landscape on the western flank considerably, covering a 2-km section of the Ambato-Baños road. This is the third euptive cycle of Tungurahua in historical time; in none of them has Baños suffered any physical damage.

A visit to Baños will give you a rare opportunity to witness this amazing and beautiful natural phenomenon. The caldron of Tungurahua heats our natural springs; it is a vortex, the source of a certain energy which pervades Baños, inspiring art and poetry (and humility as well); it is a focus which strengthens and unites the people of Baños.

See The December 2010 Surprise!

Calle Velasco Ibarra y Av. Montalvo                         
Baños,Tungurahua, Ecuador              
Telefax 593-3-2740 083 U.S. 773-572-8810